WD on Thursday launched its redesigned My Passport ultra-portable hard drives in India. The redesigned portable hard drives come in new colours, with improved backup software, and with new personalisation options. The hard drives are available with large-format retail stores and online stores at an approximate price of Rs. 4,750 for 1TB storage variant and Rs. 7,550 for the 2TB variant.
Available in Classic Black, Brilliant White, Wild Berry, and Noble Blue colour variants, the My Passport hard drives feature a plastic-build along with 256-bit AES hardware encryption for security. WD says the encryption system protects users' files, folders, photos, videos and music with a password only known to them, in case the hard drives go in wrong hands.
The WD My Passport hard drives sport USB 3.0 support and are claimed by the company to deliver data transfer rates of up to 5 gigabits per second. The drive is also backward compatible with USB 2.0. The hard drive comes with 3-year limited regional warranty.
"With more data being stored than ever before, it's critical to have a reliable external storage solution that you can carry everywhere," said Khalid Wani, Director, Content Solutions Business for WD in India, Middle East, and Africa during the launch. "The latest generation My Passport Ultra drives deliver an easier automatic back-up experience and hardware-based encryption for security."
The firm last year launched its My Passport Ultra Metal Edition hard drives, which as the name suggests, include metal exteriors and incorporate a radial-spin-design aluminium enclosure, which WD claims will provide 'extra protection against everyday knocks.'
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